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New England Animal Medical Center

Puppy and kitten sitting on an exam table

About Us

Intensive Care Unit at New England Animal Medical Center, equipped with tables, medical devices, lighting

Designed to Maximize Our Ability to Care for Our Patients

The New England Animal Medical Center is a modern facility with over 14,000 square feet of space that has been designed to maximize our ability to care for our patients while providing our team with all of the tools, space, and technology necessary to practice high-quality veterinary medicine in a teaching and learning environment. Our sterile surgical suites are equipped with the latest monitors and anesthetic equipment and our surgical team has access to a wide range of instruments and implants to ensure quality care for our patients.

Staff in the ER working phones and getting ready for patients

We Work with Your Vet to Help Your Pet

NEAMC offers emergency veterinary services for pets on a walk-in basis. These types of visits do not require a referral from a patient’s primary care veterinarian. For our specialty services, we do receive referrals from other doctors and animal hospitals throughout the New England area. Veterinarians confidently refer their patients to us for specialized veterinary services.

From soft tissue and orthopedic surgical procedures to pain management, advanced diagnostic testing, and complete ICU care, New England Animal Medical Center has a team of experienced and knowledgeable veterinary surgeons and specialists on board to take care of cases that many local facilities aren’t equipped to handle.

New lobby at New England Animal Medical Center.

Strong ties throughout the State of Massachusetts

Over the years, the New England Animal Medical Center has developed strong ties with communities and groups throughout the State of Massachusetts. We continue to show our dedication and support by working with the following professional organizations and important animal rescues:

  • Police Departments

  • Rescue Groups

  • Service Organizations